Wednesday, October 6, 2010

week 4 - Color and Lighting

Week 4

Monochrome Color Scheme
Analogous Color Scheme
Complementary Color Scheme


Photo Settings

I took all of these photos in the same duration and same place. What makes these pictures unique from one another is the separate scene settings that I used for each. Without any flash, I experimented with quite a few photo settings. My motive was to see how much each of the different settings had an impact on light, color, and temperature. As you can see, these settings create a significant impact on the color and lighting in each photo. It is not so that none of these settings did or did not work, but rather the setting options are personal choices of preference.
(shown: portrait, sunset, dusk/dawn, night landscape, beach/snow, party/indoor, night portrait mode)

Lighting Situations

For these photos, I took one everyday at different times and locations around my house. Each time I took a picture, I took one with and without flash. This showed me whether or not the flash decreased or increased the quality of the photo, which I preferred, or which option seemed appropriate at specific time. From personal experience I discovered (and like the tutorial discussed), is that flash creates light in the back ground. Sometimes the preference is personal choice and sometimes flash is required. For example, the last photo displays a night time portrait taken without flash, but to see anything it is required. Flash can change the lighting of a photo dramatically.

Bedroom, Midnight, Lights Off, Television On

flash/no flash

Bathroom, Night Time, Lights On

flash/no flash

Bathroom, Mid Day, Closed Drapes, Lights Off 

flash/no flash

Mid Day, Office, Next to Window, Sunny 

flash/no flash

Outside, Morning, Bright, Top Light, On my porch, Directly In Sun

flash/no flash

Outside, Morning, Bright, In Shade

flash/ no flash

Afternoon, On Widow Sill, Bright, Bedroom

flash/no flash

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