The first thing I did was make color adjustments with contrast, hue saturation, and color curves. After I got the desired color I played around with the shadows and lighting. Lastly, I used the selection tool. I made a copy of large rock and placed it slightly to right of the broken piece of glass. Once I was done placing it, I made a few more copies of the smaller rocks and placed them around the glass. It makes the piece of glass stick out more. The GIMPed photo is much more interesting.
After making a few color and hue adjustments, I went farther into the colors and contrast. I used the color wheel to make the grass greener and for the grays, (the light spots), I adjusted to a yellow tint. Although it does not look entirely natural, I thought it would be neat to experiment with different color tools.
This would be a great shot to practice your sparkle tool. Have you found it yet?