Friday, September 17, 2010

Week 1-2

These pictures are taken of a small angel statue. I took one looking up at it and the other looking down. Although they are the same exact object, in both pictures, they look as if they are completely different sizes due to the separate comparisons in both the images. The background for the one that makes it look large is being compared to the height of the sky, and in the other, it is being compared to the length between two of my fingers. Not only perspective, but other objects in the picture can change an image so much. In fact, I think, even though they are the same object, the angel looks completely different in both. I like the one that compares it to my hand better because it has more clarity, and in my opinion looks more small in this image than does big in the other image. Perspective plays the largest role in these photos because it is what makes them so distinct. If the photos were taken at the same perspective, then it would be much easier to see that the angle is the same object in both photos. Perspective allows so many different ways to perceive one object. 


  1. I really like your pictures. Isn't it amazing how you can make something tiny turn into something big? I like the second image the best. Did you hold it up tp take this angle? Nice work!

  2. It is interesting how perspective changes based on whether there is another object in the photograph. Great work.

  3. Chelsea,
    I love the way you set up your blog. I also love your statues. I love how in one you show the actual size then show it in giant form. That is awesome.

  4. Thanks guys! Tonya, none of them are actual size! Confusing huh? Haha the statue is actually about the size of a foot. & J210, yes I did hold it up to it just right, it was difficult to keep my hand still. But once again, thanks all! I enjoy all of your works as well! =]
